The Most Underrated Pieces of Office Furniture

Often times we are too consumed by the major pieces of office furniture that we do not even pay attention to some other very important pieces of office furniture. The bulk of the focus is often on office desks and chairs. The importance of these can clearly not be under-emphasized. However, paying attention to the more ignored office furniture can make the big difference in creating a work environment that goes beyond the ordinary for you and your employees.

Here are the most underrated pieces of office furniture you should pay more attention to.


From writing down ideas, to brainstorming, to jokes, to updates, whiteboards offer a home for all these. Not
just for you, but for your team. You definitely would need a place to write down your expressive ideas when talking to and with your team, and also write their expressive ideas down. Using a graphic example, if you have seen HBO’s Silicon Valley, the first season shows just how much a whiteboard is when the main character and his team go from saying rubbish to actually figuring something out through contributing ideas, to finally get a breakthrough.
Whiteboards help you and your team imagine, or visualize, thoughts when solving complex problems and function much more productively in collaborative work.

Plants and greenery:

Plants and greenery give aesthetics to the office. Generally, it adds style to an office space, while giving health gains. They have the ability to boost workers’ health, comfort, and productivity levels. Plants generally are subtle and blend into the background. Some plants are easy to manage, while some require more care and can take up more space. Determining what plant and greenery to use requires a consideration of the ones right for your office’s climate and operations.


Couches often, in homes, symbolize relaxation and socialization. In offices, they provide an important space for workers to rest their minds and bodies; conduct meeting with an informal tone; versatility for events like parties, meetings, or presentation, etc.
Selecting a couch requires you putting into consideration the comfort and size of a couch. How comfortable will it be? What location should it be where people will feel comfortable to sit down to work, rest, or chat for an extended period of time? Will it fit in several people? How much space would it take? Very important factors to consider to get the full benefit you get from the couch and any other furniture.

Desk Dividers:

These are often underrated in how much they are needed in the office. The personalities of your employees would be diverse. This means that there would be employees that prefer comfort and privacy as opposed to being loud, openly socializing, or any other feature attributed to extroverts. For this kind of employees, desk dividers are necessary.
Also, desk dividers are flexible. They can be moved around according to the needs of the workplace, to partition individuals or departments.
Employees in an office are able to shape a public environment, like shared desks for instance, into a more private place – where they can be comfortable and focused on tasks.

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